Branding and Licensing


To cater the damanding needs of a variety of accessories, crossovers, projects for different tiers of the global market, BRANGREDI LIMITED was established in 2007.

BRANGREDI,brand ingredients, has full capabilities in concept origination and product development. The company offers soulutions to crossover products and bridge categories in design and marketing.In the same time,Brangredi actively works with international brands across industries to further enghance high visibility and optimal exposure.Partners include Nokia,Amore & Baci, iDiamond and Bratz .

For more information, please visit:


Authorized Distributor
Originated in New York, Kissing Diamond is trademarked and design-patented in the United states in 2004. It is a patented design that highlights a special culet to culet invention, the culets of the paired diamonds are connected and locked in the intimate embrace. The collection is an ideal bridal collection that exhibits a strong human emotion in its design.

Kissing Diamond is trademarked in all major countries and is currently selling in countries include United Kingdom, ireland, Norway, U.S.A, Caribbean, Russia, Spain, Portugal, The Netherlands, Finland and China.

For more information, please visit:


A piece of fine jewellery is much more than a mere collectible item.A well-crafted jewellery can complement any occasion,accentuate the personality of the wearer and make a statement.

Given our strengths in product development, manufacturing and marketing of fine jewellery, we have established ourselves as the pioneer in the industy.

Quattor TM is one of our patented designs and tradmarks. This collection features multiple diamonds in one setting and creates a stunning, luminous "big carat look. Mutiple princess cut gems are set together in geometric shapes amalgamating a single gem that is twice the size of its weight.

Since the launch of Quattour TM, the collection has been very well-received and is distributed to over 5,000 outlets around the world with major markets such as U.S.A,U.K,Canada and Eurpore.

For more information, please visit:


Authorized Distributor
The hottest emerging trend in the States and Europe! Amore & Baci is an Italian brand highlights the colorful aspect and playfulnesss of its silver collection. Playing on the concept of mix & match, customers can persionalize their bracelets, necklaces,earrings or even rings with large selection of sliver beads, murano glass beads, murano glass beadsm swrovski beads etc. A perfect way to build your customer base and increase the frequency of return business.

Amore & Baci is currently selling in all major countries including Australia, Belgium,Canada,France,Italy,United Kingdom, U.S.A, Swizerland and New Zealand.

For more information, please visit:



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